About Me, Caro

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I am married, a mother of two grown children and grandmother (Nocih) to a perfect little boy. I am a daughter of immigrant parents now in their late 70’s; I owe them everything.

I am a social worker by training and a peace officer by profession having worked with California’s delinquent youth and young adults for 28 years. I retired in 2012 with the desire to see the world and write about it.

I am a runner, hiker, backpacker, photographer, and blogger. I volunteer as often as possible at the Red Cross, and Mustard Seed School.

I firmly believe that our development as humans depends on our environment and that sometimes we get stuck. As such, I write about those things we sometimes ignore or fail to see until we are forced to pay attention.

I believe in the dignity of all humans and the right to pursue happiness. I believe love is love is love and that really, that’s all that ever matters in our lives.

Siempre p’adelante, always forward, never a step backward.